Friday, May 2, 2014

Back in action and feeling great!

I am back from the desert and I cannot even put into words how much fun I had. Here is a little preview.

Great Company (Lauren, Nicole, Me)
Random gentlemen that let us take a picture on their shoulders

Sun going down over the desert

Candid shots are the best

Nothing is better than feeling good, and I seriously feel amazing. I had the energy of a 21 year old all over again. Probably due to the whole box of Spark we consumed over the weekend. We danced into the night to every song that played, even enjoyed a few $9 Bud Lights (and a few less expensive 22oz cans of Corona in the parking lot before hand!)

One thing I will say, is even though I didn't follow my normal routine while I was away, I still felt great. That's huge for me, as I am not really good at depriving myself of things and it's OK to indulge every once in a while. Otherwise life becomes boring. I hope everyone else had a great week! I can't wait to do it all again next year!


If you are interested in seeing what products might benefit you, joining me on the challenge, or making a little $$ on the side, check out my website HERE! and let me know if you have any questions.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Lean in 13 Day 1!!

Today is day 1 of my Lean in 13 Challenge and I don't know if I am still just super stoked from all the exciting product I got in yesterday, 

 or if it's all these vitamins, but my energy today is ridiculous. I should go to the gym later..... "should"...Don says if I don't workout while taking the Muscle Gain, I will get fat. He is also my biggest skeptic, so we'll see. ;)

I made myself a nifty little spreadsheet to follow along, and I am stealing my friends idea of packaging each day in a bag so it's ready to go.

Daily Check List
This challenge is going to be a little different... more like a Lean in 7 and then again in 6 with a little break, as I mentioned in my previous post, known as Stagecoach!!! I just can't see me depriving myself of all the wonderful things that go along with country music... like beer... and maybe whiskey (and CarbEase)! So I will start up again when I get home. P.S. Jennie, if you are reading this I will be constantly sending you pictures, just to let you know what you are missing out on!

Anyways, my plan for now is to order in bulk and have a bunch of stuff on hand so y'all can have immediate access to most of the products. So if you are interested in trying something, or need something right away, let me know, I will most likely have it on hand.

If you are interested in seeing what products might benefit you, joining me on the challenge, or making a little $$ on the side, check out my website HERE!! and let me know if you have any questions.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Done! Well, a while ago...

So I finished the 24 day challenge last Friday and I am just now getting around to the updating part.

I lost 8lbs all together from 126 to 118 and I feel amazing, I have way more energy and don't dread getting out of bed... as often. ;)  Here are my before and after photos eek!

Since completing the challenge I have continued with some of the products because I like the way they make me feel. I am generally not a breakfast eater so I always have a meal replacement shake/bar on hand, and I still look forward to my Spark every morning and sometimes again in the afternoon.

My partner in crime Jessica and I are going to start the Lean in 13 challenge next week.This time I will hopefully get more workouts in so I can have sweet abs like Kristel! Click Here for more information on Lean in 13.

After this, when I am buff and ripped from all that Catalyst, I plan on implementing a few of the products into my daily routine, like the CorePlex multivitamins and Omega 3's and continuing on with a "mostly" healthy lifestyle. ("mostly" excluding the 3 day Stagecoach country music festival in Palm Springs at the end of this month with a few of my favorites! Yee Haw!!)

I will also TRY and continue to blog, but we know how well that has been... so don't hold your breath, but continue to check back for deets, and thanks for being patient!!

If you are interested in seeing what products might benefit you, joining the challenge, or making a little $$ on the side, check out my website HERE! and let me know if you have any questions.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Almost there!

Well apparently I am not too great at this whole blogging thing, but I have been pretty good at following through with the challenge.

As of last Saturday I was down 8lbs, from 126 to 118 and I can definitely feel the difference! I have a ton more energy, which Winnie appreciates. YAY for sunny weather and walks! And just an overall positive outlook on things, not to get all sentimental or anything.

Tomorrow is day 24 on the challenge and I will do a final weigh in, complete with measurements and pictures. (cue emoticon with nervous look...) So, something to look forward to... or not!

Short post today, but here is some humor for you. :) Cheers!

If you are interested in seeing what products might benefit you, joining me on the challenge, or making a little $$ on the side, check out my website here and let me know if you have any questions.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

24 Day Challenge Kickoff Video


For those of you wondering what all the hype is about, check out this great video made by a couple people who have been there, done that!

If you are interested in seeing what products might benefit you, joining me on the challenge, or making a little $$ on the side, check out my website here and let me know if you have any questions.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Day 8, still going great.... cheesy I know!

All these vitamins have got me thirsty, so not only am I drinking a lot more water, I am also getting exercise, by getting up and going to pee frequently.

The healthy eating part is not as hard as I thought it would be, but I prepared myself. I got a bunch of fresh fruits, veggies (which are not always easy to find, or cheap in this town) and eggs, and prepared a weeks worth at a time.

Today I had hard boiled eggs and apples for breakfast, along with my Mango Strawberry Spark (second favorite so far) and the dreaded Fiber Drink. In my experience, anything high in "fiber" tastes terrible, and if anyone tells you otherwise, they are lying! The Fiber Drink that comes along with the cleanse is actually not too terrible tasting, its the texture that weirds me out. If you don't drink it fast enough, it's like drinking cold lemon flavored grits. Buuuut there are only 6 Fiber Drink days total and only 2 more left to go, so I think I will survive.
This was my breakfast today, if I needed a little more, I would have probably added oatmeal.
Lunch will be leftover veggies, quinoa and chicken that we had for dinner the other night. I will spare you a picture, leftovers are generally not photogenic anyways.

As I mentioned before, getting up and going to the bathroom has been most of my exercise, oh and volleyball on Thursday nights. Not that I don't have the energy lately or anything, but if you love going to the gym as much as I do, you understand. There is always something "more important" to do, like catching up on Bates Motel, because we had to first catch up on Vikings! I am honestly going to try and make it there more often, I will keep you updated on how that goes. My sister's friend wrote her up a workout plan that she is going to share with me, so I am going to give that a shot. If anyone else is interested in it let me know.

Until next time!

If you are interested in seeing what products might benefit you, joining me on the challenge, or making a little $$ on the side, check out my website here and let me know if you have any questions.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Starting a little late....

My name is Suzanne, and I am new to this whole blogging thing.

Here is me with a fish I caught last summer with my dad and brother, yay! for the awesome weather we had, and fingers crossed this year will be the same, if not better.
I'm starting a little late in the challenge, but here goes... I started this challenge because if you are anything like me, getting out of bed in the morning is the worst part of the day. Once I am up, I'm up, but my absolute favorite place in the world is under my comforter, with Winnie, my 6 lb Maltese/Poodle fur baby. He loves it just as much as I do, and conveniently enough for him, he gets to enjoy it all day while I am at work.

Anyways, so in hopes of making it easier to drag my bum out of bed I am partaking in the AdvoCare 24 day challenge, which consists of an herbal cleanse, energy drink, which is delicious by the way, meal replacement shakes, and a plethora of vitamins and supplements all while eating healthy. Today marks day 6 on my 24 day challenge and overall I feel great. I can already feel my system detoxing from all the bad things I've been putting into my body. Yesterday I made oatmeal cookies for my boyfriend Don,

Don and I last winter at the Dan Moller Cabin on Douglas Island.
who, by the way, is not convinced I can actually commit and follow through with this thing, one more reason for me to give it 100%, and if coincidentally he gains a few lbs through my baked goods I may convince him to give it a try too. While Don was out, I cheated a little and had one, and I kid you not, almost instantly I got a headache and my stomach hurt, that means, no more cookies (or sugar) for at least the next 18 days! (which is probably for the best anyways)

So far, getting up in the morning has been getting easier and I look forward to having my Spark first thing (Fruit Punch is my favorite) I'm awake and have energy that usually lasts way beyond lunch.

Stay tuned for more stories about my journey!

If you are interested in seeing what products might benefit you, joining me on the challenge, or making a little $$ on the side, check out my website here and let me know if you have any questions.