Friday, April 11, 2014

Done! Well, a while ago...

So I finished the 24 day challenge last Friday and I am just now getting around to the updating part.

I lost 8lbs all together from 126 to 118 and I feel amazing, I have way more energy and don't dread getting out of bed... as often. ;)  Here are my before and after photos eek!

Since completing the challenge I have continued with some of the products because I like the way they make me feel. I am generally not a breakfast eater so I always have a meal replacement shake/bar on hand, and I still look forward to my Spark every morning and sometimes again in the afternoon.

My partner in crime Jessica and I are going to start the Lean in 13 challenge next week.This time I will hopefully get more workouts in so I can have sweet abs like Kristel! Click Here for more information on Lean in 13.

After this, when I am buff and ripped from all that Catalyst, I plan on implementing a few of the products into my daily routine, like the CorePlex multivitamins and Omega 3's and continuing on with a "mostly" healthy lifestyle. ("mostly" excluding the 3 day Stagecoach country music festival in Palm Springs at the end of this month with a few of my favorites! Yee Haw!!)

I will also TRY and continue to blog, but we know how well that has been... so don't hold your breath, but continue to check back for deets, and thanks for being patient!!

If you are interested in seeing what products might benefit you, joining the challenge, or making a little $$ on the side, check out my website HERE! and let me know if you have any questions.

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